
Showing posts from December, 2018

Tips to Help Your Child Adjust to School

 So he’s off to school every morning now, like a big kid. But instead of the exuberance you expected, you find many days -- especially Monday -- starting with tears, or maybe a tummy-ache. He isn't faking. Anxiety affects the body, and can result in an actual upset stomach, especially in children. But don’t worry, it’s not unusual for kids to need a little extra help adjusting to the start of school. Here are 12 tips that will help. 1. Facilitate your child’s bonding with the teacher. Kids need to feel connected to an adult they think will keep them safe. So when they aren't with their parents, they need to transfer their attachment focus to their teacher, or they're too anxious to settle down and learn. If you notice that your child doesn’t feel good about school, contact the teacher immediately. Just explain that he doesn’t seem to have settled in yet, and you hope she can make a special effort to reach out to him so he feels at home. Any experienced teacher will underst

Positive Parenting Tips for Your Preschooler

 Ages three to five have been called The Wonder Years, and wondrous they are, ping-ponging from exuberance to whining, from tantrums to cuddling, from belief in fairy tales to mind-boggling intellectual leaps. Preschoolers are explorers, scientists, artists and experimenters. They're experiential learners, so they keep pushing on limits to find out what's solid. They're still learning how to be friends, how to engage with the world, and how to control their bodies, emotions and minds. With a little help from you, these years will build a fertile foundation for your son or daughter's entire childhood. Related Articles : What Your Preschooler Needs to Thrive: 1. Structure. Regular routines help kids feel safe, and are vital for preschoolers, who grapple with big fears on a daily basis. The world is chaotic and scary to them; their household should be predictable. A calm, orderly and fun atmosphere, with regular meal and bedtime routines