
Showing posts from January, 2019

Required vitаminѕ for уоur рrе ѕсhооlеrѕ

Vitаminѕ аnd minerals: the basics Yоur сhild nееdѕ lots оf еѕѕеntiаl vitаminѕ and minеrаlѕ fоr grоwth аnd dеvеlорmеnt. They inсludе vitаminѕ A, B, C, D, E аnd K and minerals likе саlсium, irоn, iоdinе and zinc. Thе best wау fоr your сhild to gеt enough vitаminѕ and minerals iѕ bу еаting a widе vаriеtу оf fооdѕ frоm thе five fооd grоuрѕ, inсluding: • vеgеtаblеѕ • fruit • grаin food – brеаd, раѕtа, brеаkfаѕt cereals, riсе, соrn and ѕо оn • rеduсеd-fаt dairy fооd – milk, уоghurt аnd сhееѕе • mеаt, fiѕh, сhiсkеn, еggѕ, tоfu, legumes (peas, bеаnѕ, lentils, сhiсkреаѕ аnd so on) and nutѕ. Our bоdiеѕ аbѕоrb vitamins, minerals and other nutrients bеttеr whеn thеу соmе frоm fооd, rather thаn frоm vitаmin аnd minеrаl ѕuррlеmеntѕ. More Preschool Tips Vitamins аnd how to gеt them Here’s a liѕt оf the vitamins уоu аnd уоur family need аnd hоw tо gеt thеm. Vitаmin A You get vitаmin A from livеr, meat, milk, eggs, аnd оrаngе fruit аnd vеgiеѕ likе саrrоtѕ аnd ѕwееt роtаtоеѕ. Yоu nееd vitаmin A fоr

When your child should start preschool?

Starting preschool: what to expect Your child is probably feeling excited as well as a bit nervous about starting preschool. She might have already been to child care or playgroup and feels comfortable about joining a new group. Or preschool might be your child’s first experience of being away from family. You might be feeling a mixture of pride, excitement, loss and anxiety as your child becomes more independent, particularly if you’re doing this for the first or last time. Preschooling Tips Before your child starts preschool You can start getting your child ready for preschool in the months and weeks before the first day. Here are some tips. Many preschools offer orientation visits. During these visits, your child can see and experience what he’ll do at preschool, who he’ll meet, and what happens during the preschool day. With permission, you could take some photos of the preschool to show your child before he starts. Some preschools have a preparation or orientation book that yo

Is Preschool Matters?

Childhood experts agree: Attending a high-quality program prepares kids for kindergarten and beyond. But finding the best option for your child takes time and research. Preschool can help children develop intellectually and socially, and gives them an advantage over other kids when kindergarten starts. Learn more about the advantages of sending your little one to school early. The Importance of Preschool 1. What's the difference between childcare and preschool? Childcare centers are generally an option for working parents who need their children to be taken care of during the day; centers accept babies as well as toddlers and are full-time, full-year programs. Preschool refers to an early-childhood educational class for 3- and 4-year-olds. Many offer a part-time schedule (for example, a few hours a day, two to five times a week) as well as full-day care, but only from September to May. Yet the terms are often used interchangeably. A childcare center with experienced, well-trained

Best tips for preschool teachers

You wrestle for ten minutes with your 3-year-old to get his jacket on, yet his preschool teacher has ten kids (including yours) dressed for the playground in less than three. What's her secret? Partly, of course, the advantage of not being a parent—kids really are more inclined to behave for outsiders. But it's not only that. Teachers develop all sorts of tricks to help young kids learn, keep the classroom more efficient, and make their job more enjoyable. This is hardly surprising. Preschool teachers have year after year of experience with this challenging age group. Fortunately, they're more than willing to share the keys to their success with eager (and sometimes frustrated) parents:  Related tips Secret #1: Preschoolers don't have to dawdle. Why does your child seem to thwart your attempts to get you both out the door each morning but promptly turns on her heels when her teacher announces it's time to head back in from the playg

How To Select The Perfect Preschool For Your Child?

1) Budget Well, this is the easiest one. You need to shortlist a list of preschools that fit into your budget before you start looking at other finer details. What’s the point of liking everything about a school and then giving it up because of the cost? Therefore, get the list of affordable preschools ready and then move on to the other nine points. 2) Know your Child! “I pulled him out just six months down the line,” says Dipika. Her younger son had started attending a certain Mumbai-based playschool that believes in extensive writing and learning. The school didn’t work for him and neither did the teachers show much appreciation for his growth. “Moving to this school was the best decision we made. At three, my son is happy to go to school. Thankfully, there is nothing wrong with him, he just needed a different approach,” says Dipika about the present school her child attends. School vs child The approach of a school is its perspective or method towards teaching and l

How to promote independence for preschoolers?

I worry that my 3-year-old, Sophie, has a split personality. At school she cleans up her toys, puts on her shoes, and is entirely self-sufficient at potty time. At home, she whines whenever I ask her to pick up anything, insists I join her in the bathroom whenever she has to go, and lately has started demanding that I spoon-feed her dinner. Clearly, her teacher knows something I don't. But then, what parent hasn't occasionally wondered: Why is my child better for everyone else than for me? The simple answer: Your child tests her limits with you because she trusts you will love her no matter what. But that doesn't mean you can't borrow a few strategies from the preschool teachers' playbook to get the best from your child. We asked educators from around the country for their tips so listen up -- and take notes! Pre-schooling Guide : Promoting Independence While 3- and 4-year-olds still need plenty of parental help, our preschool expe