What to expect when starting preschool?

Starting preschool: what to expect

Your child is probably feeling excited as well as a bit nervous about starting preschool.

She might have already been to child care or playgroup and feels comfortable about joining a new group. Or preschool might be your child’s first experience of being away from family.
You might be feeling a mixture of pride, excitement, loss and anxiety as your child becomes more independent, particularly if you’re doing this for the first or last time.

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Before your child starts preschool

You can start getting your child ready for preschool in the months and weeks before the first day. Here are some tips.

Many preschools offer orientation visits. During these visits, your child can see and experience what he’ll do at preschool, who he’ll meet, and what happens during the preschool day. With permission, you could take some photos of the preschool to show your child before he starts. Some preschools have a preparation or orientation book that you can take home with you.

Talk about preschool

You can talk about the things your child will do at preschool. For example, ‘Stella, do you remember we saw blocks at preschool? You’ll be able to build with them like you do at home’. You could look at photos of the preschool and talk about some of the things that are different from home, like the toilets and playground.

Follow your child’s lead with talking, so that your child feels comfortable talking about preschool, but doesn’t hear about it too often. If your child doesn’t seem interested when you talk about preschool, don’t push the conversation.

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Keeping things low key can be a good idea too. If you say ‘Isn’t it exciting that you’re starting preschool?’, your child might start to feel more anxious because it sounds like a big deal.

When your child starts preschool

Here are some tips and strategies to help you and your child in the early days and weeks of starting preschool.

Start gradually

Many preschools invite parents to stay for a while during the day in the early days. Speak with the preschool teacher and work out a plan that works for you, your child and the preschool. It’s a good idea to tell your child how long you’re staying, so she doesn’t get a surprise when you leave.

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Establish some routines

Routines can help your child feel safe and secure, particularly when new things are happening. You could set up a routine for preschool mornings – for example, get up, have breakfast, clean teeth, get dressed, put on sunscreen, pack lunchbox and go. You could even make a chart with pictures showing the different steps in your routine.

Develop a routine for saying goodbye

Say goodbye to your child so that he knows you’re going, and tell him that you’ll pick him up at the end of the day. You could choose a special place to say goodbye, or an activity to do before you go. For example, ‘If you wave to me from that window, I’ll be able to see you’, or ‘Which book will we read before I go?’

Say goodbye once and leave. Lots of goodbyes can be stressful for both you and your child.

Communicate with the preschool teachers

Children get confidence from seeing warm, positive and friendly interactions between important people in their lives, like their parents and teachers. Good communication with your child’s teacher also helps you share relevant information and helps the teacher know how best to respond to your child.

For example, you might let the teacher know about things like grandparents visiting from overseas, your child’s favourite songs or books, or simple words in the language your family speaks at home.
Celebrate your child’s achievements

Joining a new group, meeting new people, navigating a new environment and learning new ways of doing things are big achievements for your child. You can build your child’s confidence and sense of competence when you celebrate these.

For example, you could use descriptive praise when your child meets new people or tries something new. Or you could encourage your child to call a grandparent, aunt or family friend to share her achievements.

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Have back-up collection plans

Many preschool sessions finish at a specific time. If you tell your child you’ll be there at a specific time, it’s important that you’re there. It’s a good idea to have a back-up plan, so that if you’re delayed or there’s a problem, someone you and your child know and trust can be there to pick him up.

If the person who normally picks up your child from preschool can’t make it, make sure the preschool teachers knows who’s coming instead. The teachers will let your child know and ensure your child’s safety.

Your child is worried about preschool: what to do

Starting preschool can be exciting for your child. But anxiety and tiredness are normal too – there’s so much for your child to get used to. You might notice that your child isn’t eating as much, or wants to sleep more. She might even seem less happy than normal.
Your child might be worried about finding friends, knowing what to do or being separated from family. He might get upset when you leave him.
Your child might also worry about what you’ll be doing while she’s at preschool. Will you be doing something special, and will she be missing out?

Tips to handle worries about starting preschool

• Let your child know what you’ll be doing while he’s at preschool. This can help reassure him that he’s not missing out, especially if you try to save his favourite activities for when he’s with you.
• Talk with your child about preschool routines. Toby Forward’s book The first day of school is a good discussion starter if it’s hard to get your child talking.
• Talk to the teacher if your child gets upset when you leave her. Preschool teachers are experienced at helping children through separation and will have ideas to help you and your child.
• Ask the teacher about what might be worrying your child. The teacher can tell you what happens during the preschool day. Your child might be worried about using the toilets, eating the food the preschool provides, or finding his things.
• Talk with the teacher about strategies to handle specific worries. For example, if your child is worried about food, you might be able to pack some familiar food. If using the toilets seems to be the problem, the teacher can help your child get used to them. Labelling your child’s things can help her keep track of them.


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